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van de Botgroeistimulator

Stimulating the cells for bone growth


The technology behind the Ossatec Bone Growth Stimulator is based on the so-called piezoelectric properties of the bone, which enable the production of new cells for bone growth. If bone growth is disturbed – for example, due to a fracture – it is possible to stimulate it with electric impulses. Three types of cells are important for this process:

  • The freely moving osteoblasts which are responsible for bone formingde vrij beweeglijke osteoblasten die zorgen voor de opbouw van het bot
  • The freely moving osteoclasts which are responsible for bone degrading
  • The cells that are created in the osteoblast process, the so-called osteocytes

Cell communication in the event of a fracture

These three types of cells form a chemical and electrical network in the bone. This is how they communicate with each other. Once a bone bends or breaks, the osteocytes are stimulated and growth factors (IGFs) are released that influence the balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. If this natural mechanism is disturbed, fractures will heal slowly or not at all.

Cell production in the fracture

The Ossatec Bone Growth Stimulator creates an electromagnetic field. This recreates the body’s own signals on the site of the fracture. These signals restore the disturbed balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. This results in the stimulation of the production of new cells and the healing of the fracture, without any surgery.

Heal from a fracture quicker

Ossatec has treated over 5,000 patients with delayed unions or non-unions after referrals from medical specialists. In about 90% of the cases, the Bone Growth Stimulator proved effective. On average, patients healed in just 12.7 weeks. That is why bone fractures in the United States are regularly treated with bone growth stimulation. The rest of the world is catching up to this development quickly.

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